Create a Multimedia Fusion 2 game in 24 hours with the theme of "A Lady In Black" for Clickjam Spring 2013
Description of Game:
2D Sidescrolling Action Platformer
Team Setup:
2 Programmers, 1 Producer, 1 Sound Engineer, 5 Artists
My Role:
Team Lead / Designer / Programmer
Tools I Used:
Multimedia Fusion 2, Dropbox
My Contribution to the Project:
I split the gameplay mechanics and level design nearly evenly with the other programmer, managed the team, and made sure the project stayed on task and within the scope of our vision.
Thoughts on the Project:
This was a much more rushed team setup than most of my other projects, as I only had the one programmer and artists arranged initially, so going into it, I wasn't sure what to expect, nor was I sure if I would do a good job of leading the team.
As it turns out, I learned quickly that more features does not equal more fun. We spent the majority of our time trying to program in as many features as possible, and get as many levels in as we could, while leaving the poor artists almost no time to keep up with the amount we were adding in every hour.
In the end, I don't mind what we turned out, as we had a lot of fun with it, but it certainly shows the amateur level (at that time) of my cooridination abilities, and how no matter how good at programming you may be, you NEED to work as a team, not a solo maverick.